What Are The Benefits Of Dmaa Powder


What is dmaa?

DMAA chemically called 1,3-dimethylamine is an amphetamine derivative, it is synthesized in laboratories. Some of the researchers claim that 1,3-DMAA naturally occurs in rose geranium oil. Many products have risen geranium oil as an ingredient but there are no such results shown by the laboratory analysis.

Use of DMAA

The chemical compound was earlier used as a nasal decongestant but it is now marketed for bodybuilding, treatment of attention deficit-hyperactive disorder(ADHD), improving sports performance, and losing weight, many of the products made are sold as dietary supplements. DMAA should not be mistaken as a dietary ingredient.

DMAA can be consumed indirectly through other supplements as well as directly in the form of dmaa powder. To buy DMAA products and supplements click here.

How does it work?

After the consumption of the DMAA supplement, the compound directly goes inside the blood through absorption. DMAA is a powerful nervous system stimulant, it instantly gives an insane amount of focus and long-lasting energy to the user. Though the researchers have still not been able to solve the puzzle totally about how DMAA works, they know that the 1,3-dimethylamine behaves as a potent stimulator for adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine in our brains.

So when the CNS signals the adrenal gland, a large amount of norepinephrine is dumped directly inside the blood causing an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and direct blood flow to the muscles. Along with the pumping, norepinephrine also triggers the release of glucose. This sudden increase in the glucose level supplies the required amount of energy to the body.

After consumption of the DMAA the attention, focus, alertness, and speed of reaction time are increased significantly. The individual feels more motivated and unstoppable after the consumption of dmaa powder or supplements. Making a person achieve superhuman power for some amount of time.

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